2014 EZGO golf cart
Only approx 1500 miles from new. Very good condition. Drives great with no issues.
- NEW 10 INCH alloy rims and tires recently installed
- FAST approx 25 mph
- 4 x retractable 3 point seat belts
- windshield wiper
- brake lights
- 4 WHEEL hydrolic caliper brakes
- good brakes, suspension, and steering
- complete with 48v delta q charger
- 4 x good 2020 12v heavy duty deep cycle US batteries
- glass dot windshield
- Front and rear Lights
- Horn
- 3 x Mirrors
- Extended canopy
- Original factory rear seat
- Rear safety bar
- 2 x locking glove box
- watering system installed
- bluetooth radio and speakers
Price: $8,995
More info: Listing has ended. Click to search on eBay for similar 2014 EZGO golf cart (Affiliate link)
Seller's other items: pennyriver15
Location: West Palm Beach, Florida, United States